The best finishes for wood carving

finishing wood carving 

Finishing woodcarving can be a daunting task, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through essential tips and techniques to help you achieve a flawless finish on your next woodcarving project. From selecting the right products to expert application methods, we’ll cover all the intricacies you need to know. Discover the best … Read more

Best Whittling Pocket Knives for Every Woodcarver

Old pocket whittling knives

If you are a passionate woodcarver, you know that having the right tools makes all the difference. Whittling requires a good knife that can easily cut into the wood, enabling you to make shapes and objects from a piece of wood. You can use any knife with a sharp edge to make objects out of … Read more

The Different Types of Woodcuts: A Comprehensive Guide


Logs of timber are hard to use in their natural form. Therefore, they need to be split into more manageable pieces. There are 4 basic types of woodcuts: plain sawn, rift sawn, live sawn,  and quarter sawn. We will discuss each method in detail below! It’s, however, important to note that woodcuts may mean more … Read more

Polyurethane Re-coating: Drying Time and Best Practices

Recoating polyurathane floor

While polyurethane is one of the most durable finishes available, correct application is crucial for its durability. Additionally, re-coating is an important part of the process as it requires at least two coats. However, re-coating at the wrong time can potentially damage the finish. The recoat time for polyurethane is not universal and is affected … Read more

How to plane wood without a planer (6 methods)

plane wood without a planer

Planning wood is one of the most important processes you can never skip especially if you are doing joinery work. It is a step of preparing rough wood by making it smooth and achieving a uniform thickness across the entire board. For faster and more efficient work, we use a planner. It has a rotating … Read more

Is Pine a Good Choice for Carvers?


Many beginners and intermediate wood carvers often ask; Can you carve pine wood? In all fairness, I reply, “no.” Pine is softwood and not desirable for carving because it does not hold up well to abuse. However, in researching this article, I found out that pine has many uses by artists who carve with it. … Read more

Wood Carving for Beginners: 8 Easy Steps included!


Without the proper know-how, many beginners and even intermediates may find the craft of wood carving technical and challenging. It can also be difficult to find information on what to do and where to begin, which is why We’ve put together this wood carving as a beginner’s guide. In just 8 steps, you’ll learn the … Read more

Polyurethane on Painted Cabinets for Durable & Shiny Finish


If you’ve recently painted your cabinets and are looking for a way to protect the finish and add extra durability, polyurethane may be the perfect solution. Polyurethane is a clear finish applied over painted surfaces to provide a scratch-resistant, glossy finish. It is available in both oil-based and water-based formulations, each with its own set … Read more