Best stain for maple

Best stain for maple

Maple wood is that attractive component everyone would wish to have in their compounds. It has that beautiful grain that makes the wood suitable and admirable for any home wood project. However, you wouldn’t imagine such a beautiful esthetic to come easy. It is expensive due to its attractive and unique look. You will notice … Read more

Best Stain for Pine

Best Stain for Pine

The most common wood used by almost every homeowner and woodworker is pine, partially because it is readily available and partially because it is affordable. But many new woodworkers would instead opt for pine than hardwood because they think they are easy to work with, so they literary avoid them. However, I would rather tell … Read more

Best stain for cedar fence

Best stain for cedar fence

The majority of people will have cedar fences in their compounds. If you own a cedar house or your compound has a cedar fence, then using fence stain is the best decision you can ever make to protect your fence from environmental damages such as UV rays and rain.  That said, I have already checked, … Read more

Best stain for stair treads

Best stain for stair treads

Stair treads can be a striking aesthetic feature of your home, especially if seen from the living area or main entrance to your house. But those stair treads will remain beautiful only if they are protected. Constant day-to-day use, paws, shoes, water, and many other issues can be detrimental to wreaking havoc, quickly fading those … Read more

What is warm satin polyurethane?

What is warm satin polyurethane (1)

Warm satin polyurethane has a characteristic hue that differentiates it from regular satin. While standard satin is often without any extravagant luster, a warm satin polyurethane results in a yellowish or golden hue which becomes more pronounced as the finish ages. Therefore, warm satin results in a more lively luster depending on the type and … Read more

Polyurethane sheen comparison

polyurethane sheen comparison

When finishing wooden surfaces such as floors, furniture, or kitchen tops with polyurethane, consideration is paid to the protective quality of the specific product in hand. Depending on the base element of the polyurethane, i.e., water or oil, the protection given to your wooden surfaces varies. Similarly, the appearance of the wooden surface is as … Read more

The best stain for a new deck

best stain for a new deck

Staining could be the best solution if you have just finished installing a deck and don’t like the uninteresting plain color. A few factors will determine the best stain for a new deck. But worry not, for we have everything you need to know before buying stains for your new deck, including a list of … Read more

Do you have to remove the varnish before staining?

Do you have to remove the varnish before staining

Staining is arguably the most challenging wood finishing technique. But with a little know-how, staining and the techniques related to staining are not so complex. If you are wondering whether to strip off all varnish or just stain on top of the varnish, Then this post is for you and will help you make a … Read more

Best Water-Based Outdoor Polyurethane

Best Water-Based Outdoor Polyurethane

Outdoor wood surfaces are more at risk than interior wooden surfaces for exposure to the elements. Wooden floors or furniture situated outside are more exposed to fluctuating weather conditions such as an immense amount of moisture in the air and heat. Moreover, these surfaces are more prone to scratches given the higher level of traffic … Read more